Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Politics AND a movie review? Say it ain't so

It's been a while, sorry, I just have been very busy and very uninspired. But some things have caught my eye lately I'd like to talk about.

Senator Russ Feingold proposed to Censure the president about a week ago. A Censure, as John Stewart put it, is basically just a strong-worded letter, but it's more than anyone else has done as far as reprimanding the president for his illegal and unconstitutional actions. He's catching a lot of flack for it though, and the Republican National Comittee is actually taking an attack ad out on him. To his credit, Feingold has handled the backlash very well, simpy continually restating his point that the president has broken the law and something needs to be done. I caught this little bit of info from this article and thought it relevent to share:

"GOP spokesman Danny Diaz couched the ad as a statement about the two parties' approach to the war on terrorism going into the 2006 congressional elections.

"Voters this fall face a choice between those that protect America at any cost versus those that play politics with our national security," Diaz said.

And furthermore:

"The GOP ad accuses Feingold and other Democrats of wanting to repimand Bush for "pursuing suspected members of al-Qaida" and asks "Is this how Democrats plan to win the war on terror?"

Defend America at any cost? Wow. We cannot sacrifice our constitution rights, including our 4th-amendment rights to fair trial and protections from illegal search-and-seizures in the name of a threat we cannot possibly thwart. Terrorism in america is a phantom in the night, or the Boogyman; something the GOP has been scaring americans with for the past 4 years, but hasnt reoccured since. and this last bit about "Is this how Democrats plan to win the war on terror" is funny. Al Quada killed about 3000 people in their 9/11 attacks; Bush has violated the rights of every american citizen AND cost not only over 2000 soldiers their lives, but also ten times that number have been injured. So you tell ME who the terrorist is.

Here's a Thought... "Protecting the people at ANY COST" is what started the dictatorship in the new (excellent) movie V for Vendetta. The leader of Brittain basically suspended all the citizens rights under the facade of "protecting" them from terrorists. What happened? Well, what always happens when the government has that kind of control and the people aren't protected because they've allowed their government to take their rights away. That is the path this country will go down if the fearmongering GOP keeps preaching this "Protection at any cost" slogan and the american people believe it. You wanna look for terrorists, look for extremists? Look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; Bush is the real extremist here. He panders to the religious sects, sends us into bloody wars with no plan to leave, seeks to deprive us of our rights, AND refuses to change his mind about anything. Who was it that said "A zealot is someone who can't change their mind; a fanatic is someone who won't change the subject"? Sounds awfully familiar...


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