Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas has come early

At least as far as the constitution is concerned. In yet another brilliant decision made over the past week, U.S. District Judge John Jones has ruled against Intelligent Design being taught in the classroom, saying it violated the seperation of church and state.
A few thoughts. For starters, the Judge in this case analyzed the entire situation perfectly; as he said,"
To be sure, Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. However, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable alternative hypothesis grounded in religion into the science classroom or to misrepresent well-established scientific propositions"
Correct. To teach an untestable, religiously-based idea in a science class misrepresents the entire meaning of the word "science". The Judge not only saw the constitutional illegality of the matter, but also the motives behind it, and for that I applaude him. Very impressive indead.

Oh, and DICK Chaney is an idiot. As is administration stooge Attorney General Gonzales. His justification for illegally wiretapping domestic phonecalls and bypassing our system of checks and balances?
"We also believe that the authorization to use force, which was passed by the Congress in the days following the attacks of September 11, constituted additional authorization for the president to engage in this kind of signal intelligence."

The authorization to use force in the wake of 9/11 was passed to allow the military to invade Afghanistan, which was believed to be harboring the al-quida terrorists. It was NOT passed to allow the president to violate our civil rights. Anyone who thinks that the authorization of the use of force includes spying on american citizens is an idiot. Just think about it..."The use of Force", not "The use of espionage on american citizens". It's just ridiculous to believe that congress allowing the president to attack
Afghanistan also allowed him to spy on ordinary citizens. And as Dick Cheney has said;
"If we had been able to do that before 9/11, we might have been able to pick up on two of the hijackers who were in San Diego in touch overseas with al Qaeda," Cheney said during a tour of earthquake damage in Pakistan."It's good, solid, sound policy," the vice president added. "It's the right thing to do."
I'm sorry, all I heard was, "Violating your civil rights MIGHT have let us intercept a few of the terrorists". Sacraficing our rights as Americans is NOT, NOT, NOT solid, sound policy, it is the sign of a power-hungry, arrogant administration attempting to corrode the only thing that prevents us from being slaves to our own government.
President Clinton was impeached for recieving oral sex and lying about it. Now, we have proof that a president violated our constitutional rights with no legal backing; and I can almost guaruntee that he will NOT be indicted, because both the Senate and the House are controlled by his party. It's amazing how much worse bush's trespass was, yet he will avoid prosecution because of partisan politics. There are a few republican senators I have been impressed with for their impartiality, but for the most part it seems like most senators in general are just tools for their party. Depressing.

Here's a Thought... If president bush is found to have violated the constitution in allowing unsupervised wiretaps, he must be impreached. I realize it is a severe punishment, but if stripping the people of america of their rights does not warrant it, then nothing does, and we ALL might as well head out to our new cotton fields.


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