Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sleight of Mind


Fifty-eight percent of those polled said Bush doesn't have a clear plan on Iraq, compared to 38 percent who said they believe Bush does have a plan for victory.

At the same time, the poll found that 63 percent of the respondents believe Iraqis have made real progress toward establishing a democratic state over the past two years. Thirty-four percent said they don't believe Iraq has made real democratic strides.

Just some interesting information from CNN.com Every time I read stories like this, and all those irritating "Mission Accomplished" banners, i begin to feel ill. Can we please just keep in mind that our reason for invading Iraq wasn't to create a democracy, nor to overthrow a dictator; we went there to find weapons of mass destruction. Did we find any? Well then,


Here's a Thought... We didn't find any WMDs in Iraq, and the intelligence was bad to begin with. Personally, I don't think accomplishing an alternative goal you set after you couldn't accomplish your primary one makes up for your first failure. Yes, overthrowing a genocidal dictator is good, and yes, giving the people of Iraq democracy is nice, but keep in mind that wasn't what we went there for in the first place. Also, was the price we payed in blood worth it? Think about it.


Blogger Ed Meers said...

I concur with your sentiments entirely! What expectations of peace can we have if it is gained through the submission of one side? CNN and mainstream media would have us believe in the good v. evil basis of war, but things are more often than not much more complex than they appear. We in the West condemn oppressive regimes that oppose us while supporting those who do not. Sadly, most folks grow up believing that their government and media are delivering the straight goods and never grow out of that bubble - sad, eh?

5:48 PM  

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