Sunday, January 08, 2006

Black Sabboth

The new Pope today baptised 10 babies, gave a speach in the Sistine Chapel, and oh yeah, berated the entire world for having sex, doing drugs, and just being amoral in general.
He was supposed to talk about how baptisms are holy, and great for the soul, but decided to just wing it and berate the "Anti-culture", and a "Culture of Death", by which he means homosexuality, abortion, social sex, birth control, and drug use. He even compared our current situation to that of the Roman Empire.
But I'm pretty sure the Catholic church lost the moral highground a long time ago. As if supporting that same Roman Empire they now deplore wasn't enough, how about the Crusades or the Inquisition? Where was that morality back then? Torturing and taking the homes of people who don't share your beliefs isn't quite consistant with the stands the church would like to make now. Oh, I almost forgot raping little kids and then covering up their crimes. The church doesn't have the right to comment on the lifestyle choices WE make, when throughout history they have made choices a million times worse.
And Here's a Thought... The Romans had a nice run before their time ran out. They unified and civilized the entire known world, made amazing advances in science and art(untill the church forced reform that has set us back still from the point they were at), and revolutionized our own form of government. You can't just ignore the good and point out the bad, they are intertwined. Moral authority does not lie with the church anymore, if it ever did, and hearing them tell ME what are good values gives new definition to the word "Irony". Or maybe just hammers its actual definition home.


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