Sunday, January 01, 2006

Where's the party at?

I'd like to say a few words about New Year's Eve, since that day, was, 7 minutes ago.

New Year's Eve is the most dumbest holiday we celebrate

That's right, I said it. New Year's is just a socially acceptable reason for people to go get wasted. And I don't just mean drunk; I mean, totally trashed to the point where you can't even remember what you drank, and spend the next entire day sitting on the couch in a completely vegetative state. That is the only reason people care about it; it isn't like it is someone's birthday, or it marks an important discovery. It is just a reason for people to get drunk and not be reprimanded by everyone else.

New Year's DID once have an actual purpose, however. Back in the day, ancient religions believed time was a giant cycle, and you had to reset it every year with a New Year's feast. Obiously the details varied, but the general idea was the same. It's funny how twisted some holidays have become. Christmas is all about getting presents, haloween is about getting candy, and valentines is just a big conspiracy by Hallmark, Hershey, and girlfriends/wives. Honestly, there are only two true, pure holidays left:

April Fools is a great holiday. Not only has it remained a constant since it's inception(I have no idea when that was), but it is also hugely amusing. You can actually enjoy AND fear it.

And 420. Does it qualify as a real holiday? Given the percentage of people who smoke weed on a consistant basis, I'd have to say yes. And talk about pure; the faithful practitioners of this holy day hang out at someone's house with a bunch of like-minded friends, smoke tons of weed, watch South Park and Family Guy reruns all day, and chow down whatever snacks are within reach; cause there is NO WAY they are getting up. Even though it is a relatively new holiday, people have remained adamently faithful to its tradition.

Speaking of Christmas, i think it qualifies as the most tainted holiday there is. it is SUPPOSED to be about the birth of the Christian savior, Jesus Christ, and has turned into a fat, old guy in a red suit breakin into people's houses to give them lots of gifts. Seriously, it is ridiculous. And anyone who complains about what they get for Christmas shouldn't be given another gift for an entire year, cause that is just selfish and stupid as well. Oh, and to all those people who give money or gift certificates as gifts; I can understand if you really don't have a clue what to get someone, but most of the time i think of it as an easy way out. Getting a gift is a process of knowing the person, what they like, want, and need, and then finding the perfect thing. Giving them money is like admitting defeat at best, and at worst, just shows that person doesnt really care. I'd much rather recieve a pair of socks for Christmas than a check; at least the socks show that someone noticed all the holes in my current ones :) Kidding, my socks are pristine


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