Friday, May 05, 2006

Fall Out Boy is an awesome band, and I'm glad to hear they've gone multi-platinum by now. And recently, they played a show in NC where a neo-conservative parent had this to say about it.

"I took my daughters to your concert in Charlotte, NC last night and was
very dissappointed in the show. The ticket said "ALL AGES". F & L and your
band was very foul mouthed and anti-morals. Who do you think finances the
sale of CDs and Tickets, Hello - Parents...
Charlotte is not the
demoralized city that liberal San Fransico and other cities across the North and West are. I am going to contact the local and
national news media, and the arenas that you are touring in the future and
do my best to be a thorn in your side. I had looked forward to this concert with my girls for months. I didnt spend over $200.00 for tickets,
gas, food, and unforturnately shirts that I purchased for them before the
concerts, for you to give your own personal political testimony, cursing
anyone who disagreed. This was a concert, not some liberal homosexual
rally. I predict that you have lost a lot of financial support in the last
24 hours. I am not the only parent with morals that had children at this
concert. That is what is so upsetting - your band's biggest audience is
CHILDREN 10 and up. Your responsibility was to sing your songs. The music wasnt that bad, but when you opened your mouth to talk, you blew it.
Here's to your band being just another "Spice
Girls" looking back and remembering the good times and 15 minutes of fame, because you underated who pays your bills. By the way, my children will not be a part of your sick idea of family."

Fall Out Boy's response?

though being in a public position with a spotlight i think it is extremely important to use this pedistal to enlighten younger kids to certain things about the world. the only thing i said in charlotte was (quoted word for word): "you can leave this show and say i think this guy is an arrogant jerk. or think this band is better than this one- because these are your opinions- i understand that. the only thing we consider unacceptable is for you to engage in sexist, racist or homophobic behavior. if you do and want to continue to we dont want you as a fan- return our merch and leave". if that is offensive to you, i apologize but we don't want you to be part of our fanbase.

it is not a liberal homosexual rally but at the same time it will never be a klu klux klan rally. we don't need to sell tickets that badly.

i encourage fans of our band to grow up to become good people and to change the world. unfortunately, i dont believe that treating other people as inhuman is acceptable.

though- our idea of family is one of equality and openess- hopefully you will reconsider."

Damn right. It's incredible how hateful and bigoted some people still are. This is 2006 for crying out loud. That guy was a dick, period. Liberal homosexual rally? WOW. I'm pretty sure nobody else had that impression, so maybe you've got some issues in your subconscious to work out. And as for SF being a moral-less city(and others in the NW...WTF? have you ever even LEFT hicksville, ass?) if by "moral-less" you mean "accepts people for who they are and isn't hateful towards them" then you'd be correct. If you mean "isn't accepting of total white supremicist homophobic religious fanatics" then perhaps staying right where you are is a good idea.

I'm sure you can talk about this when your next KKK meeting rolls around.


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