Pass the Popcorn
Million Dollar Baby
This movie had some huge potential; Clint Eastwood was, of course, his usual badass self, and Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors. And 3/4 of the movie lived up to my expectations. But the final 30 minutes made me feel like I'd OD'd on Nyquil. Not to spoil the movie or ruin either for you, but as big a fan of breaking stereotypes as I am, the way the movie ended, although shocking, really pissed me off. It really felt like I was watching two different movies, in fact. First, there was this great boxing show, an inspiring tale of a young lady trying to overcome her upbringing and achieve her dreams. The second was a slower story involving a father-daughter type relationship, and the absolute tradegy they have to overcome. Sounds all nice and shiny on paper, but the two combine about as well as oil and water. They don't even try; the movie is basically broken down into half-hour segments; one part boxing, one part mushy. One part boxing, one part mushy. It was like a bad relationship; I really tried to make it work, but in the end it just didn't work.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Another movie I had great expectations for; a bunch of my friends said it was very good, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE horror movies. Unfortunately, this reminded me too much of Gothica, another movie I thought would be great. But it turns out the previews were misleading for that one as well. And although the concept was even better in-movie than the preview led me to believe, the horror elements just didn't deliver, and it turned into a bunch of contradictory flashbacks with another less-than-satisfying ending. Call me picky, I just didn't really feel compelled by the plot; it seemed kinda bland. I almost felt like, "Oh, another exorcism movie" but without any of the scary elements. Actually, every scary scene in the movie was shown in the previews, so there wasn't really any suprise to it.
All in all, both movies were solid, and worth the $3 to rent, I'm just glad I didn't purchase them; there are far better movies out there to spend your hard-earned cash on. If you want a good horror movie, go buy House on Haunted Hill or the Sixth Sense; those are probably the two best I've ever seen. And as for dramas...well, I really don't know; I don't really watch them unless they are too highly hyped to pass up. Which is how I felt about both of those; hyped just a little to far, and not living up to those expectations. Disappointing, to be sure. Sorry to burst your bubbles.