Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Alpha and the Omega

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth

Don't get the wrong idea; this isnt another religious scripture blog. But in my World Religions course at the local C.C. we've been talking about how religious myth should be interpreted as a metaphor, not literally, so perhaps that very statement in the bible is just referring to creation in general. Such as my brand-new blog. I said "let it be", and it existed. Just food for thought, which should always be well-nourished.

So i was perusing Yahoo news today, and read a report explaining that the first lady Laura Bush thinks that people questioning the appointment of Harriet Miers is partially due to sexism.
"I think she is so accomplished, and I think people are not looking at her accomplishments and not realizing that she was the first elected woman to be the head of the Texas bar association, for instance, and all the other things."
I have some pretty strong feelings on sexism and "Racism", which you'll read plenty about over the next few weeks. Here's the problem I have with her statement; You say that other people are singling her flaws out because she's a woman, which qualifies as sexism. But pointing out her accomplishments in reference to the fact that she's "done all these things as a woman" is sexism too. The definiation of sexism is singling out a person's sex when referring their accomplishments or qualities. Saying that she was the first WOMAN to do all these things is sexist too...whether she is a man or woman should be irrelevent. Don't you love it when people don't even realize they are hypocrites?

Here's a Thought...Don't call someone else a sexist and then defend them using a sexist arguement. Saying someone is being singled out because of their gender, and then defending them using their gender are the same thing...sexism.

I'd just like to point out a few things about my blog. I'm going to be writing a quite a bit of political commentary, or just commentary about people/society/government in general. However, when something exciting/interesting/unique happens in my personal life I'll probably write about that too. I don't know if anyone will even read this, but if you do I'd appreciate any kind of comments on it/my articles. Even saying "you suck, you're stupid, i hate you," is a better exercise of the First Amendment than just staying silent. Cause that's kinda what this blog is all about; Standing up and saying what you think, not just blending in and becoming a "mindless automaton".


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