OMG A veto? Oh, of COURSE he's vetoing a GOOD bill
Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill that would increase funding for stem cell research. In case you don't know, stem cells are these amazing cells inside embryos that form into any other kind of cell the body needs while it's developing, creating entire organs when need be. These cells are also being used around the world to help find cures for thousands of dibilitating diseases. This sounds absolutely amazing, right?
As it turns out, president bush-league as decided to veto his first piece of legislation EVER today. Guess what that is?
It passed 63-37, which means, for now, it's 4 votes shy of being able to override a veto. However, when it comes back, they can reintroduce the bill, and HOPEFULLY get those last 4 votes. In a latest poll, almost 70% of americans support stem-cell research, realizing all the good it can do. The bill also enjoyed much bi-partisan support, obviously.
Then, of course, there are the idiots (*cough* bush*cough*) who, as his mouthpiece tony snow said, "believes stem-cell research is murder". Perhaps he should try, like, reading into the science a little bit, and not just jumping to conclusions. The embryos used, 400,000 I believe, are about to be discarded as medical waste, and destroyed forever. So why NOT put them to use curing diseases and helping people? It isn't murder, since those emryos will never become people anyway, but the president and apparently 37 senators don't see it that way. The choice isn't between ending life and doing research; the choice is between throwing away genetic material, or using it to save, potentially, millions of lives. It's really that simple.
No wonder bush doesn't understand. Somebody draw that guy a picture or something. Maybe if you put it in a Blues Clues episode he'll get it.
As it turns out, president bush-league as decided to veto his first piece of legislation EVER today. Guess what that is?
It passed 63-37, which means, for now, it's 4 votes shy of being able to override a veto. However, when it comes back, they can reintroduce the bill, and HOPEFULLY get those last 4 votes. In a latest poll, almost 70% of americans support stem-cell research, realizing all the good it can do. The bill also enjoyed much bi-partisan support, obviously.
Then, of course, there are the idiots (*cough* bush*cough*) who, as his mouthpiece tony snow said, "believes stem-cell research is murder". Perhaps he should try, like, reading into the science a little bit, and not just jumping to conclusions. The embryos used, 400,000 I believe, are about to be discarded as medical waste, and destroyed forever. So why NOT put them to use curing diseases and helping people? It isn't murder, since those emryos will never become people anyway, but the president and apparently 37 senators don't see it that way. The choice isn't between ending life and doing research; the choice is between throwing away genetic material, or using it to save, potentially, millions of lives. It's really that simple.
No wonder bush doesn't understand. Somebody draw that guy a picture or something. Maybe if you put it in a Blues Clues episode he'll get it.