Though I'm not sure why...It seems like the only time one is quoted, it's for saying something really, really stupid. Like Madonna saying Gwen Stefani ripped her look and style off, or Tom Cruise arguing the virtues and validity of scientology. Or Justin Timberlake saying, of Britney Spears' baby pictures being leaked by the press:
"When a person like her, who's obviously a sweet person, is having their first child, it's like, 'leave the girl alone,"' Timberlake told "Access Hollywood" in an interview which aired Monday.
"I do think that's crossing the line," the 24-year-old singer said. "That's her baby and those are her baby pictures."
Lol, that's just funny. Anybody can take a picture of anybody else, that's part of the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech. And personally, I haven't seen anything "Obviously sweet" from Britney since she hit the scene in 99. Especially when she threatens photographers with a lawsuit.
"The pop princess has warned that their publication would be considered an invasion of her family's privacy.
"Anyone who publishes, sells or otherwise exploits any of these images in any way will be subject to liability and damages for willful infringement of copyright," said a press release by Jive."
I didn't realize you could copyright a baby's face. Huh, guess you learn something new every day. And what's next? If newspapers can't publish pictures of people, then the next logical step down this slippery slope is that they can't print stories about people without consent. Last time I checked, that whole "Freedom of the Press" thing was still in the First Amendment as well, so threaten to sue all you want. The only reason she didn't want anyone to take pictures of her child is because she wants to sell them herself; Last time I checked, the bidding was at $2 million to OK! magazine.
Hereo's a Thought... And this goes for all celebrities; You wouldn't exist without the press and the people who buy your crap. So don't say "hey, come buy my music/movie/new product" one second, and then bitch about your privacy and wanting to be left alone the next. You can't have it both ways, and if you wanted to maintain your privacy you shouldn't have become famous. Having your personal life explored by strangers comes with the territory, and you sure weren't bitching about all the press when you were raking in the dough. You can't have your cake and eat it too, so quit bitching.